lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

Beso de Peces - Fishes' Kiss

Pez Insurgente - Insurgent Fish

Pez Caníbal - Cannibal Fish

Pez Paranoico - Paranoid Fish

Peces Tropicales - Tropical Fish

Duende a caballo - Elf having a ride

Hipocampos - Sea Horses

Pulpo - Octopus

Asterisco - Asterisk

El deseo del gato - Cat's Wish

Diálogo Gatuno - Cats' Dialogue

Gatito Japonés - Japanese Cat

Gatos Yin-Yang - Yin-Yang Cats

Gato Globo - Balloon Cat

Margaritas a los chanchos - Pearls before swine

Ahora saben por qué era que no había que tirarles margaritas. Se ponen melancólicos.

The Spanish equivalent to the phrase "to cast pearls before swine" is "tirarle margaritas a los chanchos", which has the same meaning but its literal translation would be "throw daisies to the pigs".
The problem is that then the pigs get melancholic.

Chancho limpio - Clean Pig

Nunca engorda.

Another Spanish saying " A clean pig never grows fat"

Vaca Volando - Flying Cow

Cuando las vacas vuelen...

In Spanish, when we want to say that something is unlikely to happen instead of saying "When pigs fly" we say "When cows fly".

Príncipe Sapo - Prince Frog

Perro Salchicha - Sausage Dog

Ratón Bailando - Dancing Mouse

Picnic de los pajaritos - Birds' picnic

Pajaritos con paraguas- Birds with umbrellas

Caniches en la nieve - Poodles in the snow

Juro que LOS VI charlado en un balcón.

I swear I SAW them chatting on a balcony.

Dragón Durmiendo - Sleeping Dragon

Pulpo Jardinero - Octopus Gardener

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Pulpo con trabajo - Octopus playing the double bass

Ratitas en camisón - Rats in nightgown

Todavía no me decido si son tiernas o escalofriantes ...

I still haven't decided whether they are cute or eerie ...

Príncipe Sapo Azul - Prince Frog Charming

This one requires a note on the translation. What in English is known as "Prince Charming"- the perfect man that every woman wishes to marry- has its equivalent in the Spanish language as "Príncipe Azul", which happens to literally mean "Blue Prince".
Therefore, the blue frog.

Too complicated?

La princesa y el sapo - The Princess and the Frog

Únicamente para feministas...

Only for feminists....

Note: the female frog is thinking "Always the same story"

Nena Caniche - Poodle Girl

Negrito políticamente incorrecto - Politically Incorrect Black Guy

Dilemas de una jirafa a la hora del mate - A Giraffe's dilemma at maté time

Así es como se deben sentir todos los extranjeros cuando alguien pone un mate en sus manos por primera vez.

This is how all foreigners must feel when somebody puts a maté in their hands for the first time.

Jirafa en autito - Giraffe in Small Car

¿Cómo cabe una jirafa..., o era"un papa"?

How does a giraffe fit in ... or was it" a pope"?

Pingüino con calor - Hot Penguin

Triste, ¿no?

Sad, isn't it?

Familia de pingüinos - Penguins Family


Ni zorro ni lobo, aunque con un poco de cada uno, el patilargo aguaraguazú merodea en las noches argentinas.

Neither fox nor wolf, but with a bit of each of those, the long-legged aguaraguazú wanders in the argentinian nights.

Moscaca - Poo Fly

"Ay qué linda! Una mariposita... en una nube...!"
Nada de eso.
Es una mosca.
Y está colonizando una caca.

"Oh how cute! A butterfly... on a cloud...!"
Nothing of the kind.
It is a fly.
And it is colonizing some poo.

Cura volador - Flying Priest

En abril del 2008 un cura brasileño, dispuesto a romper un récord mundial, se ató a mil globos y partió hacia los cielos. Desde entonces nadie lo ha vuelto a ver.

On April 2008 a Brazilian priest, decided to break a world record, tied himself to a thousand balloons and floated skywards.
Nobody has ever seen him again.

Búho - Owl

Bruja - Witch



Gato desintegrado - Disintegrated Cat

Leña para psicoanalistas...

Food for psychoanalysts...

Gato en la ventana - Cat in the Window

A los gatos les encanta mirar la lluvia desde algún lugar seguro.

Cats love watching the rain from a safe distance.


Ésta es mi gata Pimpollo, y ésta es su actitud frente a los humanos.

This is my cat Pimpollo and this is her attitude towards people.
Note: she is thinking "Do not insist, I am ignoring you"


Ésta es mi gata Anikín, y ésta es su actitud ante la vida.

This is my cat Anikín, and this is how she faces life.
Note: she is thinking "and what have I done now?"

Tren- Train

Gato Mewyork - Mewyork Cat

Cree este diseño cuando el más viejito de mis gatos murió. Su nombre era "El Gato" porque fue el primer macho entre muchas gatas.
Una vez emitió un maullido que a todos los que lo escuchamos nos sonó a "New York". Desde entonces siempre hicimos chistes acerca del deseo oculto de El Gato de conocer dicha ciudad. Pero murió sin conocerla.
Ahora, aunque sea, se da el gusto en mi dibujo.

I created this design when the eldest of my cats passed away. His name was "El Gato" (The He-Cat) because he was the first male among many female cats.
Once while mewing he said something that to everyone who was hearing sounded like "New York". Since then we always joked about his hidden wish of visiting that city. But he died without doing it.
Now, at least, he has fulfilled his wish in my drawing.

Gatos en la pared - Cats on the Wall

Venganza de los ratones - Mice's Revenge

Fiesta de Gatos- Cats' Party

Fondo del Mar- Bottom of the Sea

Me divertí mucho creando ete diseño.

I had lots of fun while creating this design